

Overcoming Status Quo with Automation

Traditional administrative processes may be comfortable, but modern, technology-based improvements can bring greater ease and drive cash flow. In a recently published article for Healthcare Business Today, Rectangle Health’s Chief Technology Officer, Michael Peluso, discussed how healthcare practices can overcome the status quo by embracing digital change.

In a time when patient experience is of paramount importance, this technology enables providers to serve patients better and reduces administrative burdens.

Our Practice Management Bridge® platform can:

  • Create a safer, more secure payment experience with contactless payments.
  • Help you reach patients efficiently and effectively, through customizable messages and text-to-pay notifications.
  • Drive cash flow by capturing reliable patient payments with online payments and patient financing.
  • Bundle repetitive administrative tasks into one platform that interfaces will all existing practice management systems, reducing tedious data entry.

Read the full article here.

Challenge the status quo with our Practice Management Bridge, a platform that offers all these efficiencies so you can safeguard staff and engage patients. Let’s talk about how Rectangle Health can solve for your unique hurdles.


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Thousands of providers like you supercharge their front office with Practice Management Bridge. Schedule a call to see how we can help reduce admin work, so you can focus on your patients.

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